
ADI & ROBIN  —  Aivovuoto  —  Bee  —  DJ Ibusal  —  Dj Kridlokk  —  Edicti  —  Eevil Stöö  —  Eevil Stöö & Stepa  —  Elias Gould  —  Elsa Brotherus  —  Ex Tuuttiz  —  F  —  Figaro  —  Gasellit  —  good boys  —  Gracias  —  Hassan Maikal  —  Jesse Kaikuranta  —  Jesse Markin  —  Karri Koira  —  Mary Ann Hawkins  —  MC KOO  —  Mikko Joensuu  —  New Ro  —  Päkä  —  Pekka Nisu  —  PESSO  —  Pyhimys  —  Raappana  —  Rebekka Holi  —  Saimaa  —  Scandinavian Music Group  —  Seksikäs-Suklaa  —  Senya  —  Sexmane  —  Stepa  —  The Holy  —  Ville Ahonen  —  Windows95Man  —  Yeboyah  —  Yona  —  Yrjänä


adi & robin adi ja robin ovat maineikkaan senen veljeskatraan tuoreimmat tulokkaat suomen musiikkikentällä. kumpikin siilinjärveläisveljeksistä tekee musiikkia itsenäisesti, mutta keikoilla heidät nähdään yhdessä. tänä vuonna 17 vuotta täyttävä adi (adilio sene) julkaisi debyyttisinglensä ’asioit’ kesällä 2022. sitä seuranneet ’unelmii’ (ft. isaac sene) ja ’40k pt. 2’ (ft. sexmane) ovat debyytin tavoin keränneet jo yli miljoona streamia spotifyssa. omista elämänkokemuksistaan ammentava artisti työstää parhaillaan loppuvuodesta 2024 ilmestyvää debyyttialbumiaan. 19-vuotiaan robinin ensisingle ’sanottavaa’ ilmestyi loppukeväästä 2023. energistä ja voimaannuttavaa musiikkia tekevä artisti valmistelee niin ikään tänä vuonna ilmestyvää pitkäsoittoaan. albumin tuorein singlejulkaisu on helmikuussa 2024 ilmestynyt 'maanantaist sunnuntaihi'. adi ja robin tunnetaan myös veljiensä sexmanen ja isaac senen kanssa tehdystä yhteisbiisistä ihmeperhe ja heidät on nähty vierailemassa näiden keikoilla mm. ruisrockin, provinssin ja blockfestin lavoilla. adi: -spotify -instagram robin: -spotify -instagram


aivovuoto aivovuoto is a rap collective from east helsinki known for its unique and spontaneous productions. founded in 2012, the collective has released six well-received albums so far; aivovuoto, vihaa karkkia ep, split album with khid se tuli televisiosta / sushi drive-by, dötöx, utopia sessiot ep, and most recently liikkeellä, released in the spring of 2020. aivovuoto's latest releases are their ayo party and parvi singles, which were revealed in february and march 2024. the singles are a first taste of the collective's upcoming seventh album, seitseman. the new album will be released in march 2024 after which the collective embarks on an album release tour starting at the end of march. the collective consists of producer brothers mio and visa a.k.a. k.v.n & lobo (smc lähiörotat, and instrumental albums, and others), and rapper matti, a.k.a. jodarok (kemmuru, freerap, meiän musiikki label, and others).


bee promising newcomer bee combines dark pop and soul in her music. with her original sound, the charming singer pours out difficult and poignant feelings about life events. the artist's long-awaited debut album hupsis produced by camu creutz was released in september 2023 immediately rising to the top of finnish charts. so far, hupsis has already been streamed over 25 million times, earning platinum. unsurprisingly, the album's success has also been noted by emma gala where bee has been nominated for three separate nominations for 2023 (newcomer of the year, best pop, audience's choice). bee rose to popularity in 2022 following the release of her third single tequilakahvi in august 2022. the song broke the gold standard and stayed in spotify's top 50 for a total of 77 days, becoming the second most streamed song in finland. inevitably, the singer was also picked as the winner of ylex breakthrough 2023.

DJ Ibusal

dj ibusal dj ibusal, also known as thube hefner from gasellit, released his latest solo album yksin kotona 17 in january 2018. featuring the hit songs pilalla and anna mun olla rauhas, the laconically reflective album was one of the most positive surprises of the year for many rap listeners, and ibusal's rare gigs have been almost always sold out.

Dj Kridlokk

dj kridlokk critically acclaimed dj kridlokk is one of finland's most respected rappers and producers. all three of his albums have been critically acclaimed, and his 2014 long-player mutsi is considered one of the masterpieces of finnish rap.


edicti kotimaista alternativemusiikin kenttää valloittava edicti julkaisee uuden albuminsa 25. lokakuuta. "joku, jonka luo palata" sisältää mm. artistin läpimurtosinglen en sitä tarkoittanut. yhdessä f:n kanssa julkaistu ja nyt jo tuplaplatinarajaa hipova biisi nousi viime kesänä ennätysvauhdilla suomen kuunnelluimpien kappaleiden kärkeen, missä se viihtyy edelleen. edictin musiikkia on kuvailtu hoivapopiksi, musiikiksi, joka pitää kuulijastaan huolta. johanna kustannukselle syksyllä 2023 sainattu edicti julkaisi viime vuonna toisen albuminsa vialla, jolta irrotettiin singlenä muun muassa herkkä muistanu­-kappale.

Eevil Stöö

eevil stöö eevil stöö, who has been in the hip hop game in finland for twenty years, is an original gem of finnish rap. unsurprisingly, eevil stöö's lyrics and compositions on the previous marsipan wave album were awarded the prestigious teosto award in may 2022. eevil stöö's most recent release is his advanced dungeons & dragons album, which was revealed in january 2024. after the release of his new album, the artist embarked on an album release tour starting from mid-february 2024. stöö is also known for the katakombi record label he runs.

Eevil Stöö & Stepa

eevil stöö & stepa stepa and teosto award winner eevil stöö released their joint album in april 2023. early that same year, eevil stöö and stepa embarked on a highly popular eight-city joint tour, which included full-length sets by both artists. most of the shows on the tour were sold out. eevil stöö, who has been in the game for twenty years, is an original gem of finnish rap. eevil stöö's lyrics and compositions on his marsipan wave album were awarded the prestigious teosto award in may 2022. eevil stöö's pen has not tired with his 2022 albums puolikas tiili and dungeon & dragon. stepa is known for his good humor and cheerful spirit, as well as his never-ending career as a rapper. the artist's previous album, siistii räppii, contains ten tracks, all of which are peppered with summer-y, laid-back productions. the sodankylä-based artist has an impressive and diverse music resume.

Elias Gould

elias gould elias gould, a helsinki-based singer-songwriter who makes guitar-driven, british-influenced indie rock, released his highly anticipated second album, susihavaintoja, in september 2022. created with co-producer riku mattila and writer-editor ronja salmi, the nine-track album is a profound showcase of gould's skills. prior to his solo career, gould played drums in one of the pigeons and spectral rays and has toured with new ro, gracias, noah kin, hätä-miikka, and others. elias gould is also familiar to many from the stages of the ilves theatre and the national theatre, as well as from the films miss farkku suomi (2012), hyväntekijä (2014), paratiisi (2011) and tuntematon sotilas (2017).

Elsa Brotherus

elsa brotherus elsa brotherus is a 21-year-old singer-songwriter from helsinki. music and playing instruments have been a part of brotherus' life since she was a little girl. the real spark for making music came when she went into the studio with her brother, johannes brotherus. the result was her debut single kämppiksii, released in may 2022, which was featured in ylex's nosteessa -series and charted on several spotify playlists. in autumn 2022, brotherus signed a record deal with vild music.

Ex Tuuttiz

ex tuuttiz ex tuuttiz (formerly tuuttimörkö) is one of finland's most original and insightful rappers. currently recording on his own ofn label, the artist has released four albums in his career, of which kromihammas, released in 2016, also topped the finnish album charts.


f f is an emma award-winning rap/r&b artist who released her fourth studio album, self-helpless, in the spring of 2023. f released her debut album mä en oo viel tarpeeks iso in the spring of 2019, which earned her nominations for newcomer of the year and rap of the year at the emma gala. her second album, mä oon vapaa, was released in the spring of 2020, and her third jos in the spring of 2022. in addition to her talent, she has been particularly praised for her uncensored work and her ability to renew the domestic hip hop music scene and its narrow image of women.


figaro singer-songwriter figaro released her debut album näin mä haluun sut muistaa in june 2022. figaro, who has collaborated with numerous artists, features sexmane, vesala, and abreu on the album. with the concept of the whole album, the artist wanted to create a vibe of the seemingly eternal summers of youth and the carefree feeling that one yearns for more and more often.


gasellit with their combination of melodic and modern rhythm music and underground rap outspokenness, gasellit has been a pioneer whose music is played on mainstream radio stations as well as in more alternative clubs. gasellit has emerged as one of the top names in finnish rap over the past 14 years, with more than 130 million plays on spotify and a band of the year emma award in 2019. their live performances are like the finnish summer at its best. unpredictable and bipolar – on the one hand delicate, on the other completely insane. the band has garnered praise for their energetic gigs, hundreds of which they have played all over finland, and they have a habit of throwing parties in all kinds of venues, from private events to the stages of finland's biggest festivals.

good boys

good boys good boys on fennoskandian ensimmäinen täysin hyvyyskeskeinen bändi. good boys on jo hyvän tovin luonut äärimmäisen laadukasta ynnä omaperäistä räppiä silkalla tahdonvoimalla sekä fiilispohjalla, ja löytänyt paikkansa suomiräpin sulkapallokentältä. good boys on monipuolinen, laaja-alainen, erinomainen ja eräänlainen yhtye. good boys on kulttuurin ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta olennainen osa ruokavaliota. good boys on nähtävä livenä, jos aikoo väittää ikään kuin tietävänsä, että mistä on kyse, että. good boys on se mistä on kyse, eikä muusiksi muutu. good boys julkaisi täysipitkän esikoisensa suurenmoinen unelma toukokuussa 23.


gracias gracias, who stands out from the finnish rap canon with his elegance, released his highly anticipated finnish debut album in may 2020. released by pme records, graciasi lp is an in-depth portrait of the artist's life and includes hits tyylit and ajaton. gracias, who came to the attention of a wider audience with the release of his music video hki in 2010, has previously released two english-language albums elegeni and globe. the artist's finnish rap has been heard on gettomasa's platinum-streaming songs entä sä and ei mitää järkee.

Hassan Maikal

hassan maikal hassan maikal is a captivating rap/r&b artist with a stunning vocal voice, whose debut album betonitarha was released in may 2021. the album, which included the singles yksinäistä and hullu, was widely praised and received no less than four emma nominations. hassan is currently working on his second album from which four singles, päästit mut pois, ketä me huijataan (feat. senya), isäongelmii, and veli (feat. gracias & stafa) have already been released. the upcoming album will be more influenced by african music, especially somali music.

Jesse Kaikuranta

jesse kaikuranta jesse kaikuranta on upea tulkitsija, jonka levollinen ääni on todella valloittanut suomalaisten sydämet. jo 2000-luvun alusta asti esiintynyt suurten tunteiden tulkki nousi koko kansan tietoisuuteen vuoden 2012 the voice of finland -kilpailun ja sitä seuranneen "vie mut kotiin" -debyyttialbuminsa myötä. triplaplatinaa myyneen ja viisi emma-ehdokkuutta kahmineen albumin nimikkokappale "vie mut kotiin" sekä sinkut "järjetön rakkaus" ja "näytän sulle rannan" nousivat kaikki valtaviksi hiteiksi. toinen albumi "vaikka minä muutuin" ilmestyi vuonna 2013. kultaa myynyt albumi sisältää mm. useita viikkoja radiolistan kärjessä keikkuneen hitin "vielä täällä". viimeisin pitkäsoitto "jesse kaikuranta" ilmestyi vuonna 2017, jonka jälkeen artistilta on saatu useita singlejä. artisti kirjoittaa parhaillaan uutta, henkilökohtaisempaa musiikkia ja vuonna 2024 julkaistu single ”tuu tuu tupakkarulla” on osoitus siitä, että jessen musiikki osuu edelleen suoraan sydämeen. uskottava ja aidosti koskettava live-esiintyjä taitaa niin suurten lavojen shown kuin intiiminkin tunnelmoinnin.

Jesse Markin

jesse markin the career of jesse markin, who shot from the megaphone state to a solo career, took off with the release of the 2019 album folk. markin collected two emma awards, a teosto award, the femma-femma award for the most outstanding artist of the year, and the album of the year at the indie awards. the liberian-born finn's success has also been noted by the international media. markin has been featured in npr, american songwriter, kexp, fault magazine, afropunk, complex, clash magazine, and cq japan. with his live album, markin's success has taken him not only to domestic festivals but also to european stages at eurosonic, iceland airwaves, and ja ja ja london. currently, markin is working on his third studio album with producer totte rautiainen. the new album, called pump, will be released in the fall of 2024. markin is also competing as a contestant in the 2024 umk contest with the upcoming album's second single release, glow.

Karri Koira

karri koira on friday 26th of may 2023, the velvet-voiced karri koira released his song suoraan sydämeen, which fit the soundtrack of the upcoming summer like an ice cream on a cone. the song is a modern fusion of classic club music styles, and it kicked off the countdown to karri koira's extensive summer tour. karri koira originally came to the attention of the general public with his heart-melting r&b album k.o.i.r.a. (2012). the platinum-selling album has gone on to become a classic that continues to touch new audiences.

Mary Ann Hawkins

mary ann hawkins mary ann hawkins is a helsinki-based five-member surf rock band that combines cinematic soundscapes with menacing rock music. their live shows, consisting mainly of instrumental pieces, have been described as fast, sweaty, and wild. for the past few years, the group has actively toured in finland, their home country, as well as around europe, thereby reinforcing their reputation as a new finnish surf rock phenomenon. in addition, mary ann hawkins has been praised for their narrative music videos. the band has released two eps, and their much-awaited full-length self-titled debut album was released through svart records in spring 2022. "an instant surf rock classic." – europavox


mc koo mc koo is a helsinki-based rapper who has been making music with all his heart for 14 years. mc koo released his debut album koon maailma in april 2017 and his singles kuuma mimmi and kolamies have garnered hundreds of thousands of listens on streaming services. the artist's music videos have garnered almost 800 thousand views on youtube. in march, mc koo released a new ep called kiertorata, which received very good reviews on the lyömättömät -program. according to the creators of the program, kiertorata ep is the best album from mc koo so far, and the songs work perfectly live. mc koo's concerts are full of energy and the fireworks of good vibes only end when the last song is played. the artist is present at the gigs in a unique way and this guarantees a very special gig experience. in addition to the maestro himself, mc koo's live performances include vocalist lilli aro and lossi t, who works as a dj and doubler.

Mikko Joensuu

mikko joensuu the finnish singer-songwriter mikko joensuu's each album is an unfiltered manifestation of mikko’s search to free himself from his past and move on. in his home country, reviews of the “snow-white pure” album amen 1 pointed to its intimacy and minimalism. amen 2 was “moving toward the light” with “more life-affirming lyrics” than amen 1. on amen 3, mikko explains that “the harmonic features of amen 1 and the popness of amen 2 swim into another world where i forgot the usual ways i write songs. the songs live in a bigger world where i did not analyze what happened. amen 3 is more free.” “these are personal albums,” reveals mikko, explaining his inspirations. “personal emotions run through these albums. one main thing is depression, the darkness that people sometimes go through. the other thing is the religious aspect of my life. i was raised in a pentecostal christian home and surroundings. i grew up to be the person i am through that, and i had to ask what is the concept of god, and how we ease our pain by finding places that comfort us. these were big themes. yet i didn’t think about them when i was writing the songs and didn’t specifically want to write songs about them. then, in 2013, i realized these were the themes: when i say goodbye to the depression, my dilemmas with the idea of god and giving up on the idea that there actually is one.” without knowing, mikko had begun writing the songs for each of the three albums in 2009 while still in his band joensuu 1685, which issued one album. they splintered after the release of a single in 2011. mikko then stepped back from the edge of the stage to work unassumingly with the singer manna. in january 2013, though, he realized the songs he had written for himself were not for one solo album, but three. “i know it would have been crazy to have sat down and said ‘i will make three albums’,” he laughs about when he took stock. “but i suddenly knew which songs would be on each of the albums.” in the summer of 2013, he began recording in a cottage by his lakeside home in lappajärvi, in the southwest of finland. once svart records began hearing the results, the label instantly came on board. amen 1 was released in august 2016. amen 2 followed in october. reviews of amen 1 and amen 2 have conjured names like fred neil, spiritualized’s jason pierce, townes van zandt, and jimmy webb while getting to grips with contrasts between the sparseness and grandeur of each album. amen 3, though, is sonically darker and more dense. mikko’s new album eschews the acoustic approach of amen 1 and has less of the nervy energy of the more fully arranged amen 2. amen 3 is where, musically, anything goes. freed from his previous self-imposed musical restrictions, mikko has allowed the songs to go anywhere they wish. from the 19-minute suite the word in me to the ebb and flow of the 15-minute house of fire, amen 3 is about unfettered expression. asked about musical inspirations, mikko unexpectedly admits he “has not been listening to anything for years. i feel good about inventing things on my own. of course, i’ve done my days of collecting influences and have respect for scott walker and the productions of lee hazlewood, but the film director andrei tarkovsky has been there for me the whole time. he builds beautiful and weird worlds that have a lot to do with how a person’s mind works. he captures – takes – your soul. you sink into the complete worlds he has built.” it makes sense that the director of films such as solaris and stalker, which question the nature of what is real and what is not, is central to mikko’s world. mikko, himself, has been questioning his own reality. “in that time, the depression – a helpless state – was related to the fact i gave up with religion,” he explains. “i had to honestly realize it is up to me how i am going to live my life. there was no one else who could do it for me. with the first two albums, it was very comforting when i realized people with no interest in god have connected with the emotional side of the songs. they are universal. however, they are inspired, they are about being a human being.” with the deeply personal, emotional, and majestic amen 3, mikko joensuu had completed the search to discover who he was. finland has already recognized his incomparable achievement. now, with the release of amen 3 by svart records, it is time for the world beyond his country’s borders to connect with the remarkable mikko joensuu.

New Ro

new ro what do you get when you combine an insane vocal range, comedic chops, über kindness and lots of pink? well - that’s ronja stanley aka new ro for you. with 10 years in the music industry under their belt, new ro has the skillset and wisdom of an artist who has had time to grow and blossom. and blossom they have, releasing their self-produced album late bloomer and a couple of eps within the last two years, not to mention building a loyal fan base on social media. previously known as "ronya”, new ro loves r&b, quirky, and honest storytelling, and nostalgia, influenced by björk, erykah badu, and flight of the conchords. the artist's live performances never leave a shadow of a doubt that they are one of the best vocalists in finland, while their charisma and colorful energy keep the audience dancing and laughing. together with their two-piece band, they bring in funky bass lines and infectious drums, adding another layer of character and groove to the music. new ro never stops refining their art, and whether it’s on stage or online – they truly live to entertain.


päkä päkä's first solo album, menestysalbumi was released in november 2022. released by pme records, the album features stories told in a personal tone, ranging from gratitude to assholery, and showcases a vulnerable artist. päkä, aka pekka salminen, is a musician, writer and one of the three mcs of the critically acclaimed band gasellit. winner of the emma gala's band of the year and rap/r&b of the year categories, gasellit is a rap group formed in 2008 in oulunkylä, helsinki. in addition to his music, salminen has written a biography of his band, gasellit: matka (2021), and a novel with his bandmate hätä-miikka about friends who paint graffiti, sä maksat (2017).

Pekka Nisu

pekka nisu singer-songwriter pekka nisu's music is vibrant and touching music about the ordinary lives of ordinary people. his latest album lauhanmaa was released in january 2024. the album is nisu's third album and follows the release of his second album kaiken täytyy mennä in 2022. nisu's debut album papillon, released in the summer of 2021, was received with great enthusiasm and the debut gig at tavastia club felt like a liberated closure to a long tour in its confidence and execution. nisu is also known as the singer-guitarist and songwriter of the now-discontinued band pimeys. pekka nisu's band consists of jukkis virtanen (bass), axel virkkunen (guitar), julius sihvonen (keyboards), and ville hatanpää (drums).


pesso pesso, the rapper-producer signed with sony music, released his fourth album, sadboi, in march 2024. pesso describes making the album as a way for the artist to seek solace and calls the album a comfort piece made just for him. pesso's previous album, 33, was released in 2022. the album, inspired by early 2000s boy band aesthetics and hip hop and r&b sounds, was awarded the prestigious critics' choice award at the emma gala and was hailed as a rewarding surprise in the post-disney world by rumba and others. pesso, composes, writes, arranges, and produces his own music. the artist has also produced music for other artists such as pyhimys in the past, including.


pyhimys pyhimys is currently on hiatus.


raappana raappana is a long-standing artist who has been bringing summer to finland with his music, regardless of the season, since 2007. he has released one mixtape and five studio albums, the latest of which kipinä takas ep was released in february 2024. in addition to his own production, raappana has made music with other top artists in finland and has appeared on tracks by artists such as jvg, asa, jukka-poika, and nopsajalka.

Rebekka Holi

rebekka holi rebekka holi is a helsinki-based artist and songwriter whose music is an insightful blend of rock and indie pop. having composed music throughout her life, she is an outspoken lyricist who talks about her own life experiences in her songs.


saimaa saimaa's new album vol. 6 is to be released digitally on march 22, 2024 via the iconic love records label. cd and vinyl will be available on 24.5. the band will release the following album, vol. 7, in the fall of 2024. the band's album release tour will start in march with a sold-out gig in hämeenlinna. saimaa, led by matti mikkola, is a special band that, driven by constant chugging, is reaching toward an endless euphoria of sound. this collective of top musicians' adventures in music are liberated, grandiose, and wonderfully unconstrained. through platinum albums sung by pepe willberg and pyhimys, a yle sports finland score, and a critically acclaimed cover album, the band has created a super spin on controlled prog, classic rock, funky entertainment, and classical, with the echoes of finnish schlager. drawing unashamedly from the sounds and aesthetics of the 60s and 70s, saimaa is at its best live, with numerous top musicians immersed in ecstatic interplay and turntablism dominated by exuberant telepathic forces. the band's main composers matti mikkola and eppu kosonen are master chefs of the finnish music scene, having produced hits for jvg, vesa-matti loiri, paula vesala, kaija koo, juha tapio, and lauri tähkä. however, saimaa's kitchen operates far from the laws and frameworks of pop music. it's like being able to enjoy the delicacies of master chefs in their free time. the outstanding professionalism, experience, and joy of making create a wild, colorful, and surprising experience that will not be forgotten.

Scandinavian Music Group

scandinavian music group the beloved scandinavian music group has been delighting audiences with their original music for twenty years. with nine studio albums to their name, the band draws its strength from lifelong friendships and a shared desire to create something new. the result has been a long career that has seen smg move from cool guitar rock to folk songs and then on to elegant art pop. at the heart of the band's music, however, have always remained the melodies of guitarist joel melasniemi and the lyrics of soloist terhi kokkonen, from which the listener cannot be mistaken. live: terhi kokkonen - vocals pauliina kokkonen - vocals joel melasniemi - guitar and keyboards antti lehtinen - drums miikka paatelainen - guitar oskari halsti - bass miika pylkkänen - keyboards jukka nykänen - mixing smg trio: terhi kokkonen - vocals joel melasniemi - guitar antti lehtinen - keyboards and sound design jukka nykänen - mixing


seksikäs-suklaa seksikäs-suklaa is a finnish artist, media person, and a true all-rounder of entertainment, who is making hit songs as well as hilarious videos at a fast pace. seksikäs-suklaa's first hit, niiku97, was released with dosdela in 2016. seksikäs-suklaa and vg+'s bandida, released in the same year, became one of the most listened-to songs in finland on spotify. bandida remained on spotify's finnish top 50 for weeks and has already been streamed more than 13 million times. seksikäs-suklaa's latest single jano was released in the spring of 2022.


senya rap/r&b artist senya empowers her listeners with her music, which exudes confidence and "main character" energy. the artist, who also appeared on ylex's breakthrough list, has collaborated with many top producers such as md$, danitello, and fractious frank. senya's debut album vastaukset was released in 2022. the artist is currently working on her second album, of which we have already gotten a taste in the form of singles such as varaa and ikoni. the most recent single tekijä was released in april 2024. during 2023, in addition to her own songs, the artist could be heard performing on kiki's sokerii, evelina's ei paineita, maxin's tÄÄ ilta, and hassan maikal's ketä me huijataan songs. interview requests: sony music finland / mira hakomäki


sexmane sexmane a.k.a. max sene became one of the most listened-to artists in finland in 2022. the year 2023 was filled with four emma nominations, platinum streaming singles, spotify chart hits, and more than 20 consecutive sold-out live shows. his debut album sextape, released in 2019, stayed on finland's official album charts for over 100 weeks, making the rap artist undoubtedly one of the most interesting new wave artists in the country. sexmane's breakthrough continued with the release of his next album väärinymmärretty in 2022, which reached number 5 on the album charts and earned sexmane four emma nominations. the artist gained international recognition with the release of his third and latest album sextape ii which charted as the fifth most listened-to album on the spotify top albums debut global list on its release weekend. the sexshow live concerts have become a phenomenon, filling up venues all over finland, both at clubs and festivals.


stepa stepa, also known as the voice of northern finnish rap, released his latest album siistii räppii in july 2022. the ten-track album is peppered with summer-y, relaxed productions, to which stepa raps in his characteristic joyfully relaxed and inventive style. his debut album mc, released in 2008, brought the rapper to the attention of a wider audience, with music magazine rumba calling the album the new ground zero of finnish rap. the studio album made in sodankylä, released a couple of years later, deals with the artist's relationship with society, the importance of a positive mindset, and introspection — topics that are still close to the artist's heart today. in 2012, helsingin sanomat named the album ...ja naksuvat luupit created with are, as the best finnish rap album of the year. stepa's third solo album ultramagneettinen reached fifth place in the finnish official album list, after which the album henget took the artist to even deeper themes. the 2019 ep trilogy, unelmieni teatteri, flirted with pop, hip-hop, and indie rock as a prologue to more melodic output. stepa also tours with his band heimo ilman menneisyyttä.

The Holy

the holy hailing from one of the darkest countries in the world, the holy are known for their nordic melancholy, highly explosive live shows and for the unusual band formation that includes two drummers. mixes of post-punk, springsteen and krautrock influences are often mentioned when speaking about the holy’s sound and songwriting. lead singer eetu henrik iivari’s timeless voice and the combination of fierce drumming, analog synths and guitar loaded wall of sound makes you often feel comfortably uncomfortable. starting out in the small venues of helsinki, the holy have traveled a long way performing in festivals and venues across europe in sweden, estonia, lithuania, germany, uk, the netherlands, switzerland, luxembourg, and austria. they have showcased at tallinn music week 2022, midem digital edition 2020, eurosonic 2019, iceland airwaves 2019, reeperbahn festival 2018, where is the music, jajaja london, berlin & vienna, and finland’s own lost in music. in october 2021, legendary german music television show rockpalast broadcast the holy’s performance at crossroads festival. in the past, the german/french tv channel arte filmed the band’s performance at flow festival 2019 in cooperation with finland’s yle, and seattle-based kexp filmed their show at iceland airwaves 2019, which was published on the station’s popular youtube channel. the holy’s debut album daughter gathered praise both in europe and finland, resulting in an emma-nomination (finnish grammy) for critics’ choice in 2019. the reviews praised the honest songwriting and lyrical themes of the album including topics such as the 1990s finnish economic recession and its reflection on the youth of its time. in 2020 they released their sophomore album mono freedom whose lyrical theme was inspired by alan weisman’s book the world without us, a classic science book that goes through a bunch of scenarios that would happen to mother earth if humans would disappear today. in late 2023 they are releasing their much anticipated third album ländmark. the holy are: eetu henrik iivari - vocals pyry peltonen - guitar laura kangasniemi - bass mikko maijala - drums eero jääskeläinen – drums download the holy's updated bio & photos from here:

Ville Ahonen

ville ahonen minä ja ville ahonen -yhtye julkaisi 2010-luvun alussa kaksi arvostettua albumia, kunnes vetäytyi esiintymislavoilta kaikessa hiljaisuudessa. elokuussa 2023 laulaja ja säveltäjä ville ahonen esiintyi julkisesti ensimmäistä kertaa peräti kahdeksan vuoden tauon jälkeen ja vastaanotto oli haltioitunut. ahonen on sen jälkeen tehnyt harvoja valikoituja keikkoja, jotka ovat olleet järjestäen loppuunmyytyjä.


windows95man finland's this year's eurovision participant windows95man (teemu keisteri) is a well-known entertainer/dj/visual artist/radio host/dancer/model, widely appreciated in finland and throughout the world. he is a sweet and pleasant individual, a bit of a shy nerd during the daytime, but when he puts on his uniform — the infamous windows95 shirt and denim hotpants combo — and gets on the stage in the evenings, he transforms into a superman! dubbed finland's most entertaining dj, windows95man has toured extensively throughout finland in recent years, also making appearances overseas in places like japan, a finnair flight, and tenerife. his sets, consisting of 90s eurodance and techno hits, have combined with such intense live performances that the audiences have been left breathless. keisteri's endeavors and sometimes quite unique artistic content are followed globally. after years of waiting, the fans of windows95man finally got what they have long been craving. his debut single - 90s eurodance inspired fast tempo pop song no rules! has everything you could hope for in a complete self-esteem-boosting party-hard-and-dance-your-heart-out banger. no rules! got its world premiere in the final of umk, the biggest and most appreciated music contest in finland. the stunningly joyful supershow made of teemu keisteri’s maximum no rules attitude, henri piispanen’s unbelievable vocals and the mythical denim egg lead the duo to unexpected but indisputable victory and to eurovision 2024 in malmö. “no rules" is a guideline that keisteri has followed throughout his whole artistic career and adult life. it’s a simple phrase that commands you to forget how one should dress, look, love, or behave, according to the norms set by society. don’t let others define who you are — do what you love, and forget the rules! no rules! is composed and written by jussi roine, a friend of teemu keisteri. he got inspired by keisteri’s no rules! motto and came up with the lyrics and melodies while showering. since he really can’t use a computer or synthesizers to make music, he teamed up with his producer friend henri piispanen who helped him to turn his composition and sound ideas into reality. henri also sang the demo vocals on the track but since it was impossible to find a better singer, henri had no choice but hop on board.


yeboyah yeboyah is a helsinki-based artist, social influencer, and future trendsetter who started their solo career in 2017 with their single broflake. yeboyah's 2019 elovena ep and 2021 debut album perhosefekti earned them numerous emma nominations, and their impressive live show has been seen at all major festivals.


yona singer-songwriter yona is a superstar of finnish art pop. in her 12-year career, the chameleon-like artist has released a total of 8 studio albums, including the latest uni johon wään (2021) with the espoo city orchestra tapiola sinfonietta. to the whole country, yona became known as one of the most surprising stars of the autumn 2022 season of vain elämää. yona, who has determinedly grown her audience, has been awarded the prestigious teosto award, two emma awards, and the event of the year award for her sold-out album release concert at helsingin musiikkitalo. the artist was also nominated for the nordic council music award, which rewards creative and performing arts of the highest quality, for her new album. yona's music blends genres and decades in a timeless and personal way. the artist's energetic live performances are renowned for their skillful playing and singing, big emotions, and engaging dramatic arc. yona's band consists of: yona (vocals) juho kanervo (cello) antti kujanpää (keyboards) juhani grönroos (guitars) antti kivimäki (bass) tuomas timonen (drums) jaakko peltonen (lights) paavo malmberg (sound)


yrjänä the multi-talented artist and producer yrjänä signed a recording contract and released his pme records debut single cray on friday, april 5th! the single is the first release from his upcoming second album and gives listeners a tantalizing glimpse of what's to come. after releasing his debut single ruudun taa in the summer of 2022, yrjänä has quickly emerged as one of the most exciting new artists in finland with his original, visually engaging singles. known as a true well-rounded artist, yrjänä writes, produces, records, and mixes his own songs. yrjänä's debut album sulle rakas, released in march 2023, features modern r&b and honest, strong emotions conveyed with an exceptionally engaging vocal flute and backed up by an international soundscape. in addition to his solo material, yrjänä is also known as a top-notch producer who has produced music for many successful artists such as yeboyah, isaac sene, hassan maikal, and sexmane. during his newly found but lucrative solo career, the artist has already been seen on the stages of major festivals such as flow festival, ruisrock, and tavastia.