Dj Renaz
DJ Renaz a.k.a. Renaz Ebrahimi, has become known to the general public as a journalist and radio host, as well as from, for example, the Mellow Yellow collective, which has been strongly involved in building a safer club culture in the capital region in Finland. Renaz’s sets are focused on hip hop & R&B, where afrobeats and amapiano sounds serve as perfect additional spices. It is typical for Renaz to seamlessly combine both old classics and the latest hits.
When it comes to Renaz’s journalistic ventures, Renaz is a music journalist and social justice educator specializing in popular music, equality, and cross-media. She also works as a social activist, expert, and speaker. Ebrahimi deals with the societal dimensions of music, such as racism and sexism in the Finnish music industries and music culture, in her work. She appears frequently in the media and, for example, on the Finnish Broadcasting Company’s (Yle) channels as an expert on issues of equality, and she has initiated several significant conversations on the topic in the media. As a journalist and presenter, Ebrahimi has worked at YleX, Yle Kioski, and at Radio Helsinki. She also runs her own Random Life media platform. Ebrahimi has collaborated with several researchers, artists, NGOs, and other societal actors.
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Menneet keikat
la 31.10.20
W/ Yeboyah
ANTI Festival, Kuopio